As a chemical engineer professional or students, we might come across a situation where we need more information on certain chemical or products, the suppliers etc. Sometimes, it is tough to obtain those information. However, recently, I found a site that is capable of providing us with quite a number of useful information on certain chemicals or compounds.
Thomasnet is an industrial search engine that provides one source for finding the exact product, service, or supplier –quickly and efficiently. ThomasNet provides direct access to the detailed information needed to make a purchasing or specifying decision, including line-item product details, CAD drawings, and more.

Chemicals are produced through a combination of reactive elements, and can be found in solid, liquid, or gaseous states. The term “chemical” refers to a vast number of substances and processes that cannot be fully addressed in a single comprehensive manner, but by focusing on those in the pharmaceutical and industrial fields it is possible to derive some general information. In natural or artificial forms, these specific chemicals play a crucial role in the production of industrial components and medicines. Although chemicals are common in day-to-day life, proper care must also be taken when handling them, particularly those with the potential for harmful or volatile reactions.
Chemicals are integral to modern society, whether in medicine, industrial manufacturing, or the production of foods, glues, and plastic. Chemical substances can be broadly categorized as metal, non-metal, compound, element, and covalent types. Manufacturers have used the chemicals in these categories to not only create products, but also a wide range of specialized professions, such as engineers, scientist, and chemists. one place to find out about everything related to chemicals and chemical related information. At thomasnet one can find for Chemical related articles, Chemicals suppliers, chemicals specifications and chemical product catalogs for any kind of Chemicals at Standard and Custom blended Chemicals. Thomasnet has recently posted new Need-to-Know guides for Chemicals related topics at There are more than 3500 suppliers listed on Thomasnet. Thomasnet also has a navigation bar where you can search for specific chemical related info, chemical related companies, chemical related news and white papers.
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