Are you a chemical engineer? Are you a chemical engineering student? Are you planning to take chemical engineering as you major in university or college? If yes, I bet you are making yourself an important force to the future of the world. If you see around you, almost everything that you can see must and should involve chemical engineering. Although chemical engineering is a very diverse discipline, there are more area to focused in if you want to contribute to the future.
Without doubt, it is becoming increasingly necessary and imperative for man to be able to manipulate the world around him in order to thrive, and as we continue to thrive we have to learn how to undo the damage we have done in past years. Chemical engineers are the only tool we have for new research and development in almost every field, including the bio related and medical field, environmental science, research science, and a large portion of the research done in the technological fields.
Microelectronics involves itself in the development of technology that will aid those in the medical professions. They study plasma processes, which are used in a number of treatments, and laser technology, which enables doctors to perform surgeries faster, more safely, and more affordably that ever before. They also study super-molecular self-assembly and organization and colloidal systems, all for use in the continued study of the human body and how it grows and develops. These technologies are enabling doctors to treat patients quicker and cheaper, which is more than necessary when one considers the dramatic shortage of doctors and nurses and the ever-growing list of people needing medical treatment. These technologies help an entire host of issues; the decrease in cost leads to health insurance becoming more affordable and therefore more accessible to the everyday citizen. Easier recovery times and safer surgeries lead to a higher survival rate and a better standard of living.
Technological development is not the sole focus of chemical
engineering, however. Biochemical engineering involves the study of mammalian tissues, virus removal from blood, protein manipulation, and a wide array of genetic engineering technologies. These research scientists are leading the way to a number of cures and treatments that will improve the health of America Imagine a day when HIV/AIDS, cancers, and a wide array of terminal and debilitating conditions have been eradicated or are easily treated.
The focus of chemical engineering spans more than just the medical field, however. Almost all students majoring in chemical engineering study the use of resources like oil and natural gas and can delve into research for more efficient methods of obtaining these fuels and exercising them to their full potential. In today's world, with gas prices fluctuating and the populous dissatisfied, no profession could be in higher demand.
In view of that, as a chemical engineer, I decided to get myself involve in the green based research that involve the utilization of biodiesel and biomass energy which is more environmentally friendly and at the same time help to reduce the dependence to nonrenewable energy. I'm aiming to establish a feasible process and technology and hopefully later commercialize it.
In the other hand, military forces in certain countries, are interested in chemical engineers that specialize in polymer engineering, which is the study of the synthesis of different chemicals, and process engineering, the study of catalyst development and fault detection and control, as they can work with the military to develop weapons.
Chemical Engineers are closer than ever to finding cures for deadly diseases, defending our nation from hostile countries, and improving the standard of living for citizens. Those that invest their time and money in a chemical engineering program will not be disappointed, as there is an endless spectrum of meaningful, important careers, opportunities, and chances to shine.
Hence, to the younger generation, if you are still studying or plan to pursue to tertiary education, chemical engineering is an area loaded with challenging and interesting opportunities. I don't believe the recent economic turmoil effects the demand for chemical engineers. The world needs and is desperate for chemical engineers. That's what I told a final year chemical engineering student who approached me and was worried about getting a job in the 3rd quarter this year. Don't worry, a fantastic career is waiting for you. It's just a matter of time...