As a normal human being, we need to sleep few hours a day. That includes me and I never care where or on what I sleep on. The most important thing is I can sleep peacefully for few hours and revive my energy before facing a new fresh day for new life and work.
However, I learn something important two days ago which imperatively associates with our health and sleeping activity. I came across a new terminology which is called memory foam. I have not heard about it before, so as a chemical engineer, it really caught my interest to learn and research more about it. Do you know what memory foam is? Basically, memory foam is polyurethane with additional chemicals increasing its viscosity and density. It is also often referred to as visco-elastic polyurethane foam.

I believe a lot of the mattresses that we use nowadays are made of memory foams. To be specific, they are made of synthetic memory foams. Do we care? Honestly I did not bother about it. Do we know the risk and danger of it? Since, I did not care, I was not aware of any treat it has. However, I was very surprised after learning the potential risk from synthetic memory foams or shall I call it
mattress chemical?!
It is a fact that toxins can now be found in nearly all common household products; from carpets to microwaves, paints, couches, mattresses and baby cribs to children's clothing. Many of these toxins accumulate in the body and are never expelled. Unfortunately, normal synthetic memory foam, yes the one we use to sleep on, also contains some level of toxic and may contribute to the level of toxic in our body.
When you sleep, your body regenerates and recharges itself. At this time, prolonged exposure to poisonous volatile organic compounds and toxic chemicals when your body is in this vulnerable state should not be taken lightly. Now, you really need to pay special attention on this matter.
New Mattress / Bed Illness Report Page
Reports of health problems linked to chemicals in new mattresses.
Unlike mattresses of 40+ years ago, mattresses today are manufactured with increased amounts of petroleum based compounds in the form of foams, plastics, and a variety of volatile chemicals (including controversial flame retardants). Research and personal accounts suggest people can become ill by the repeated and continuous exposure to these low level chemicals during the sleep process. This is especially true for people who have lower levels of liver detoxification enzymes known as cytochrome P-450 (thereby allowing chemicals to build up in their blood to higher than normal levels). Since research now shows these chemicals are in fact evaporating from the materials used to make modern day beds and that some are carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds, the next important step is to publicize any personal accounts of illnesses people develop immediately following a new bed/mattress purchase. Health effects caused by petroleum chemical exposure can weaken or damage the immune and nervous system. Interestingly, autoimmune disorders have also been linked with exposure to petroleum-based chemicals and have been found to be the underlying etiology of many common health problems today (soft tissue damage, arthritis, etc).
Though, this information is not widely exposed, it has appeared in a TV news. Check out the following video which shares how serious and how much of chemicals do we have in our blood.
So, how bad, how much chemicals and what chemicals are there inside synthetic memory foam? I can’t answer how much chemicals are there inside synthetic memory foams, but typical synthetic memory foam contains the following chemicals:
• 1,1,1, 2-Tetrachloroethane
• Acetone
• Dimethylformamide
• Methyl benzene (toluene)
• Methylene dianiline
• toluene–neoprene
• Vinilideine chloride
Those chemicals are readily exposed to us and we cannot afford them to penetrate our body in anyway. If synthetic memory foam is that bad, what should you do?
Simply switch to natural memory foam. Natural memory foam contains zero toxic chemicals. It only contains natural ingredients such as:
• Cone essence
• Emulsion of Hevea brasiliensis milk in water
• Fats
• Hevea brasiliensis milk
• Hydrolyzed corn
• water
To view complete list of chemicals in various type of synthetic memory foams and natural memory foams, you can refer to
This information, I hope has exposed the real thing and it is now totally up to you to decide on the best for you and your family. The best option for mattresses is those made from natural memory foam.