I realize that it is not easy to write a technical review paper for my Ph.D. I've been working on this paper since September last year, on and off. But lately, I'm struggling to complete it as soon as possible. By hook or by crook, I need to hand the technical review paper to my supervisor for her to check before submitting it to a renowned journal that I'm not going to reveal now. I intend to prepare 3 technical papers this year. It's not easy. It's really tough. But I need to double my efforts and boost up my motivation.
It's kind of funny... when I'm working with my laptop to do some work, I'm fine and my eyes are OK. But when I'm working on my technical review paper, my eyes starts to soar and my head begin to spin, an early sign of a terrible and miserable head ace of the day.
First Stage ExaminationEarlier today I receive a phone call informing about my first stage Ph.D examination schedule. I purposely decided to present my first stage examination in my second semester to speed up everything, besides the encouragement from my supervisor to present early. Normally, a Ph.D student will have to present the first stage on the 3rd semester. Luckily, I have just completed the presentation slide yesterday with 51 pages in the slide. I wonder how can I present that much in 30 minutes. Yes, they allocate ONLY 30 minutes only for the presentation and after that some other students will be presenting their first stage. I don't really understand the format of first stage presentation adopted nowadays. The faculty used to have dedicated first stage examination allocated for a student for about maximum (and typically) half a day and that can entice discussion that will led to a better Ph.D or masters degree scope. Well, it's ok. Whatever it is, I'll try and do my very best. I also hope to receive good feedbacks and comments from the examiners to improve my scope.
ICPEAM201 Conference paper I just completed a technical paper to be presented in
ICPEAM2010/SOMChE 2010 last week. The submission process is interesting. To submit a paper, we now have to register with EDAS.
EDAS is used to manage a large number of conferences and journal special issues. After registering with EDAS, you can upload your paper and edit your particulars. If you want to amend your paper, you can re-upload the improved version of the paper. I'm still very new to EDAS, but I think more and more conferences will adopt it mainly due to managing technical paper selection for journal special issues.
Visit to National Instrument SeminarLast month, four of us (me, Dr. Tuan, Tun & Huda) traveled up north to PJ, Selangor to National Instrument office attending a seminar on control system. This is for us to fully comprehend the techniques and equipment available to connect our experimental hardware and software for better control, monitoring and analysis. Honestly, I'm still very blur on the whole concept but I need to really understand it so that I can apply them for my rigs. However, I'm not sure whether we can really buy and apply the technology because of the financial constraint that we are facing now. We have little money, not lots of money. I think I should write something about this module, digital input, analog input, signal, GUI, programing etc later...when I understand this better.

The training took place in room in National Instrument office in PJ. They provided us laptops that were shared with other participants. A module and casing come with a analog input signal and digital input signal connected to the laptop via a USB cable was also supplied.

This is the casing and module which can store up to 8

The AI Universal input signal and digital module are slotted in the casing.

That's us, attempting a simple programing using the Labview software.

After the training, something to be remembered.

Setting up an alarm indicator using. The LED is the simulated alarm...
I haven't finish sharing my updates. I will continue soon...later...
