For those researchers who are hunger to present, publish and show case their work, here is a fantastic conference where you can submit them to - The
International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials 2010 (ICPEAM2010). For me, yes, I'm thinking of submitting a paper to this conference and I'm working on it. I have also discuss this matter with my supervisor... :)
What is ICPEAM201?
ICPEAM2010 under the World Engineering, Science & Technology Congress (ESTCON2010) will be held on 15th to 17th June
, 2010 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In conjunction with this conference, we are also announcing the 24th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers
(SOMChE 2010).
ICPEAM2010/SOMChE 2010 is organized by the Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP).
The objective of this conference is to provide an international forum to present and discuss recent progress in both fundamentals and applications for a wide range of interdisciplinary domains which include material science and engineering, nanotechnology, environmental technologies, process system engineering, reaction and separation engineering, etc.
Materials and Processes in Harmony: Recipe for Sustainable Development
The papers contributed to this conference will cover experimental works, theoretical modeling/simulations, novel approaches in materials synthesis, characterization techniques and applications.
Authors are invited to contribute papers that include but not limited to the following scope:
Authors are invited to submit full papers of maximum six (6) pages describing original,
previously unpublished and complete work, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in the above areas. Guidelines for online submission and other information are available at the conference website
I'm trying to prepare a paper to be submitted for this conference. The due date to submit your paper is 31st January 2010. Yes, I know, it's just around the maybe too late but just work on your paper and try to send it to the organizers as soon as you can. Who knows maybe they can still accept your paper?
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